
GCB German Convention Bureau e. V.
c/o WeWork
Taunusanlage 8
60329 Frankfurt

Phone: 0049 - 69-24 29 30 -0
Fax: 0049-69-24 29 30 -26

Managing Director ("Geschäftsführer"): Matthias Schultze

Represented by the Executive Board ("Vorstand"): Matthias Schultze

Responsible for content pursuant to §55 sub-section 2 RStV (German Interstate Broadcasting Agreement): Dr. Martina Neunecker

Register number: VR 12298

VAT ID number according to s. 27 a of German VAT Law: DE 114 111 459

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GCB in English

Unfortunately, this page is only available in German at the moment. You can find information about GCB in English at the english gcb site.