The digital transformation will be one of the most important drivers of destination marketing in the foreseeable future. "Open data", i.e., free access to all data relevant to users, is becoming a key factor in international competition. Making full use of the associated potential for the meetings destination Germany is the primary goal of the Open Data MICE project. On these pages you will find a wide range of information about open data and the "Open Data MICE" project pursued by the GCB in cooperation with the German National Tourist Board.

Ursula Winterbauer
- Director of Marketing & Strategy
- +49 69 24293012
Artificial Intelligence as a Driver in MICE Marketing
The use of artificial intelligence in the planning, organization and marketing of events is already a reality today: AI-supported data analyses can identify trends and patterns in order to optimize the addressing of potential target groups. Matchmaking tools, for example, have long been frequently used applications at events.
Applications such as ChatGPT deliver remarkable results, for example, in the automated creation of texts, in question catalogs for speakers, or in the automated generation of FAQ lists. It is also possible to create selection lists for event destinations and locations according to certain criteria. With increasing training of the systems, chatbots could in the future be able to output suitable event locations according to certain characteristics in the shortest possible time, going far beyond hard facts such as capacities or accessibility.
The changed search behavior of users, for example through the use of voice assistants or chatbots, directly influences the way in which information must be prepared online in order to be included in the output of digital tools.
Machine-Readable and Connected Data
For the products and services of German business event providers to be found and processed in the future at as many digital touch points as possible as well as across different output channels, they must be machine-readable and meet certain requirements, i.e. they must be available in a uniform manner. This provides the basis for efficiently using the possibilities of digital technologies such as AI for the marketing of products and services. By linking the data in a knowledge graph, the relationships between different data can also be displayed and delivered via semantic queries.
Strategic Data Management Is Key for Destination Marketing
Our “Open Data MICE“ strategic data management project aims at ensuring the availability of data for digital marketing to guarantee international visibility and thus the competitiveness of German MICE offers and services in the future. Strategic data management is a key task for MICE marketers in Germany.
Open data is essential to achieve more visibility and reach for Germany as a MICE destination by providing content maintained as open data for various digital output channels. It also saves time for service providers managing their data and keeping it up to date. Plus, open data is a basis for innovative applications and services that generate added value for event planners.
Open Data MICE – Our Goals
With our open data project, we want to create a data basis for mapping German MICE offerings through open and machine-readable data. To fully exploit the potential of open data, the GCB aims at achieving the following:
- Collect relevant MICE data as comprehensively as possible
Develop a uniform data structure for MICE data
Provide content for all digital channels
Link the data with other data sources and peripheral data in a knowledge graph
Initiate new applications based on the linked data
Permanently operate and expand the data pool
Application Example: Chatbot
This mockup provides a glimpse into a potential future application in the field of event planning. By accessing the data stored in the knowledge graph, the chatbot offers an effective solution to facilitate the event planning process and optimize the search for suitable locations through user dialogue.